The following Mission statement was discussed and approved at the Board of Directors Meeting that took place on the 16th of June 2021 online.
- Network and support Hellenic Medical Societies and doctors of Hellenic descent
- Inclusion of all Hellenic Health Professionals
- Propagate educational conferences of individual Hellenic medical societies
- Facilitate with a blueprint the establishment of new Hellenic medical societies
- Organize virtual and in-person medical conferences in the Americas and Greece
- Coordinate efforts on Hellenic medical issues and represent the physicians of Hellenic descent in national Hellenic organizations
- Represent Hellenic medical societies and collaborate with state and federal authorities in the United States and Canada
- Collaborate with other Hellenic Biomedical associations and with Greek medical and state authorities
- Foster medical scholarships and career development (scholarships at a society level)
Motion to approve the Mission Statement by Dr. Sarantopoulos. Second Dr. Lucas: Unanimous approval