Mission Statement

The following Mission statement was discussed and approved at the Board of Directors Meeting that took place on the 16th of June 2021 online.


  1. Network and support Hellenic Medical Societies and doctors of Hellenic descent
  2. Inclusion of all Hellenic Health Professionals
  3. Propagate educational conferences of individual Hellenic medical societies
  4. Facilitate with a blueprint the establishment of new Hellenic medical societies
  5. Organize virtual and in-person medical conferences in the Americas and Greece
  6. Coordinate efforts on Hellenic medical issues and represent the physicians of Hellenic descent in national Hellenic organizations
  7. Represent Hellenic medical societies and collaborate with state and federal authorities in the United States and Canada
  8. Collaborate with other Hellenic Biomedical associations and with Greek medical and state authorities
  9. Foster medical scholarships and career development (scholarships at a society level)

Motion to approve the Mission Statement by Dr. Sarantopoulos. Second Dr. Lucas: Unanimous approval